The town of Toro has been topic of several studies and researches from
Giovanni Mascia ().
Among the most important we can remember:
" 'A Tavele de Ture (La Tavola di Toro)-Reperti dialettali di una
comunità molisana (Lampo Publishing House, Campobasso 1994): this book
would be an analysis of the dialect of Toro, in terms of popular songs,
customs and local proverbs;
" La chiesa del Santissimo Salvatore a Toro (Lampo Publishing House,
Campobasso, 1997): the historical events linked to the main Church
help to understand better the life of the population of Toro;
" Toro, "prediletta" stanza del Cardinale V.M.Orsini, arcivescovo di
Benevento e Papa Benedetto XIII, Testimonianze artistiche e
documentarie, ("Samnium", LXX, January-June 1997): taking the summer
stay of Cardinal Orsini as a starting point, the essay gives
information about the local events and the Friary;
" Affreschi per il Papa (Made in Molise, Summer of 1999): the article
describes the artistic origin and the story of the frescos kept in the
cloister of the Friary;
" Per una monografia su Toro nel Bicentenario della Repubblica
partenopea (1799-1999) (Almanac of Molise, 1999): it enriches the
story of Molise with indication of historical sources;
" Topografia e toponomastica torese (, September 1999): it
contains useful information about the origin of the name of the town
and famous people;
Besides this list, there are some books written by
that focalize the attention on Toro and its peculiar elements: Coste
San Rocco (La Prora, Milan 1974), Sotto il Barbacane (La Prora, Milan
1974), and La tela dei giorni (Liguori, Naples 1985), where the
theatre of the events is Toro at the beginning of the Second World